
Fielding in County Championship 1950 (Ordered by Stumpings)

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HW Stephenson (Sm)28293766
H Yarnold (Wo)28522577
AE Wilson (Gs)28422163
HG Davies (Gm)28351954
LH Compton (Mx)27481866
P Corrall (Le)27441862
A Barlow (La)28281745
RT Spooner (Wk)27421658
RT Webb (Sx)26331447
DV Brennan (Yor)26371350
K Fiddling (Nr)24251338
AJW McIntyre (Sy)25511061
EA Meads (Nt)2653962
TH Wade (Es)2743952
GO Dawkes (Dy)2346854
TG Evans (Kent)1636743
NT McCorkell (Ham)2751657
DE Blake (Ham)68210
GNG Kirby (Sy)3628
DG Ufton (Kent)1313215
L Livingston (Nr)2814115
EJ Rowe (Nt)2011
D Smith (Dy)2220121
BO Allen (Gs)2115 15
GOB Allen (Mx)41 1
LEG Ames (Kent)2010 10
FL Angell (Sm)2410 10
JHH Anton (Wo)42 2
AK Armitage (Nt)22 2
J Arnold (Ham)155 5
AV Avery (Es)2623 23
DTL Bailey (Gs)32 2
TE Bailey (Es)1813 13
W Barron (Nr)217 7
MR Barton (Sy)2119 19
PI Bedford (Mx)75 5
AV Bedser (Sy)2118 18
EA Bedser (Sy)2012 12
GL Berry (Le)267 7
R Berry (La)1914 14
RE Bird (Wo)2021 21
JDJ Bluett (Kent)21 1
GHJ Brice (Nr)75 5
JR Bridger (Ham)61 1
RG Broadbent (Wo)13 3
V Broderick (Nr)215 5
PH Bromley (Wk)22 2
D Brookes (Nr)279 9
FR Brown (Nr)2018 18
SM Brown (Mx)249 9
HFT Buse (Sm)288 8
HJ Butler (Nt)2512 12
VHD Cannings (Ham)268 8
DB Carr (Dy)31 1
RA Carty (Ham)135 5
TA Chapman (Le)83 3
GH Chesterton (Wo)65 5
DG Clark (Kent)2416 16
TH Clark (Sy)179 9
RW Clarke (Nr)2218 18
JD Clay (Nt)41 1
DCS Compton (Mx)106 6
WJ Conibere (Sm)44 4
B Constable (Sy)2714 14
C Cook (Gs)2811 11
E Cooper (Wo)259 9
F Cooper (Wo)31 1
RS Cooper (Mx)53 3
JH Cornford (Sx)217 7
MC Cowdrey (Kent)32 2
G Cox (Sx)269 9
A Coxon (Yor)2719 19
P Cranmer (Wk)44 4
JF Crapp (Gs)2022 22
SJ Cray (Es)163 3
RA Dare (Ham)1612 12
DE Davies (Gm)274 4
CP Davis (Nr)31 1
E Davis (Nr)41 1
AFH Debnam (Ham)31 1
JHG Deighton (La)21 1
JG Dewes (Mx)71 1
G Dews (Wo)2323 23
TE Dickinson (La)21 1
TC Dodds (Es)2611 11
GHG Doggart (Sx)1212 12
HE Dollery (Wk)2518 18
MP Donnelly (Wk)45 5
RR Dovey (Kent)2810 10
EDR Eagar (Ham)2325 25
BR Edrich (Kent)1813 13
GA Edrich (La)2635 35
WJ Edrich (Mx)178 8
JD Eggar (Dy)53 3
CS Elliott (Dy)2818 18
GM Emmett (Gs)2816 16
RE Evans (Es)93 3
SC Eve (Es)64 4
AE Fagg (Kent)2837 37
HA Faragher (Es)52 2
J Firth (Yor)23 3
LB Fishlock (Sy)2814 14
JA Flavell (Wo)84 4
DGW Fletcher (Sy)64 4
FC Gardner (Wk)2813 13
RG Garlick (Nr)289 9
RJ Giles (Nt)104 4
H Gimblett (Sm)245 5
C Gladwin (Dy)166 6
TWJ Goddard (Gs)265 5
TJ Goodwin (Le)83 3
JKR Graveney (Gs)169 9
TW Graveney (Gs)2818 18
JR Gray (Ham)1915 15
LH Gray (Mx)146 6
DG Greasley (Nr)32 2
WT Greensmith (Es)21 1
P Greenwood (La)124 4
KJ Grieves (La)2857 57
SC Griffith (Sx)24 4
CWC Grove (Wk)2715 15
GV Gunn (Nt)11 1
TA Hall (Dy)114 4
MR Hallam (Le)11 1
H Halliday (Yor)2223 23
A Hamer (Dy)2110 10
J Hardstaff (Nt)182 2
CB Harris (Nt)2412 12
L Harrison (Ham)84 4
PF Harvey (Nt)2219 19
HL Hazell (Sm)2811 11
P Hearn (Kent)277 7
GGL Hebden (Ham)11 1
B Hedges (Gm)143 3
NG Hever (Gm)2711 11
E Hill (Sm)63 3
G Hill (Ham)2510 10
MJ Hilton (La)2212 12
RE Hitchcock (Wk)111 1
WE Hollies (Wk)222 2
NF Horner (Yor)11 1
R Horsfall (Es)166 6
BJ Howard (La)34 4
ND Howard (La)2728 28
R Howorth (Wo)289 9
L Hutton (Yor)1415 15
JT Ikin (La)2130 30
DJ Insole (Es)2615 15
AF Irish (Sm)155 5
HL Jackson (Dy)237 7
PF Jackson (Wo)2611 11
VE Jackson (Le)2828 28
F Jakeman (Nr)267 7
AE James (Sx)2614 14
RO Jenkins (Wo)236 6
A Jepson (Nt)1712 12
HL Johnson (Dy)51 1
WE Jones (Gm)269 9
AH Kardar (Wk)2719 19
WW Keeton (Nt)142 2
WG Keighley (Yor)149 9
JM Kelly (Dy)188 8
D Kenyon (Wo)2623 23
CJ Knott (Ham)2510 10
JC Laker (Sy)2417 17
GEE Lambert (Gs)2817 17
J Langridge (Sx)2813 13
JG Langridge (Sx)2852 52
J Lawrence (Sm)2826 26
ML Laws (Mx)11 1
E Leadbeater (Yor)2314 14
JM Leiper (Es)21 1
EI Lester (Yor)2416 16
G Lester (Le)2515 15
EB Lewis (Wk)13 3
KH Lewis (Gm)53 3
GAR Lock (Sy)2434 34
JG Lomax (La)72 2
FA Lowson (Yor)267 7
JE McConnon (Gm)2110 10
JWJ McMahon (Sy)912 12
JMA Marshall (Wk)33 3
EJ Martin (Nt)82 2
JW Martin (Kent)41 1
A Mason (Yor)42 2
KPA Mathews (Sx)31 1
CS Matthews (Nt)51 1
RH Maudsley (Wk)13 3
PBH May (Sy)112 2
R Mayes (Kent)96 6
CA Milton (Gs)2615 15
IN Mitchell (Gs)32 2
CI Monks (Gs)21 1
SW Montgomery (Gm)101 1
DC Morgan (Dy)2714 14
RJ Morris (Kent)21 1
WB Morris (Es)42 2
GD Morton (Mx)22 2
AE Moss (Mx)33 3
BL Muncer (Gm)286 6
VS Munden (Le)71 1
DL Newman (Mx)51 1
AE Nutter (Nr)2818 18
C Oakes (Sx)2821 21
JY Oakes (Sx)269 9
ASM Oakman (Sx)112 2
N Oldfield (Nr)277 7
JS Ord (Wk)235 5
LF Outschoorn (Wo)2216 16
JCT Page (Kent)62 2
CH Palmer (Le)2813 13
GW Parker (Gs)54 4
JF Parker (Sy)2630 30
WGA Parkhouse (Gm)2215 15
WR Parkins (Le)32 2
JM Parks (Sx)126 6
HA Pawson (Kent)106 6
TN Pearce (Es)126 6
RTD Perks (Wo)287 7
AH Phebey (Kent)1310 10
W Place (La)2716 16
JE Pleass (Gm)2514 14
R Pollard (La)53 3
CJ Poole (Nt)1910 10
FT Prentice (Le)134 4
KC Preston (Es)108 8
TL Pritchard (Wk)2514 14
AWH Rayment (Ham)1412 12
J Redman (Sm)104 4
AC Revill (Dy)2824 24
AEG Rhodes (Dy)2813 13
A Richardson (Nt)114 4
BH Richardson (Dy)136 6
PE Richardson (Wo)67 7
A Riddington (Le)31 1
F Ridgway (Kent)2414 14
AGJ Rimell (Ham)11 1
HE Roberts (Wk)22 2
JDB Robertson (Mx)2717 17
RWV Robins (Mx)105 5
EP Robinson (Sm)2828 28
M Robinson (Gm)52 2
NH Rogers (Ham)2828 28
SS Rogers (Sm)287 7
R Routledge (Mx)1211 11
CJ Scott (Gs)1626 26
D Shackleton (Ham)248 8
HPH Sharp (Mx)2510 10
DJ Shepherd (Gm)225 5
DS Sheppard (Sx)111 1
AC Shirreff (Kent)88 8
WA Sime (Nt)2015 15
RT Simpson (Nt)185 5
JM Sims (Mx)2412 12
IJ Skinner (Es)135 5
DV Smith (Sx)2414 14
JWR Smith (Le)11 1
KD Smith (Le)144 4
R Smith (Sm)71 1
R Smith (Es)2812 12
TPB Smith (Es)2817 17
GA Smithson (Yor)75 5
J Sperry (Le)216 6
JB Statham (La)146 6
FW Stinchcombe (Nt)41 1
FW Stocks (Nt)2611 11
WS Surridge (Sy)2733 33
WHH Sutcliffe (Yor)1210 10
KG Suttle (Sx)42 2
R Tattersall (La)2715 15
B Taylor (Es)11 1
DDS Taylor (Wk)21 1
AW Thompson (Mx)163 3
JR Thompson (Wk)61 1
FJ Titmus (Mx)224 4
LJ Todd (Kent)72 2
M Tompkin (Le)288 8
GG Tordoff (Sm)21 1
A Townsend (Wk)2529 29
MF Tremlett (Sm)2817 17
WMS Trick (Gm)22 2
FS Trueman (Yor)123 3
P Vaulkhard (Dy)2722 22
FH Vigar (Es)2519 19
W Voce (Nt)11 1
OJ Wait (Sy)11 1
C Walker (Ham)2819 19
JE Walsh (Le)2820 20
JH Wardle (Yor)2622 22
JJ Warr (Mx)102 2
C Washbrook (La)178 8
AJ Watkins (Gm)2634 34
GS Watson (Le)112 2
W Watson (Yor)84 4
J Webster (Nr)73 3
RT Weeks (Wk)53 3
AW Wellard (Sm)44 4
TU Wells (Wo)12 2
A Wharton (La)1811 11
JP Whitehead (Yor)132 2
NH Whiting (Wo)184 4
GJ Whittaker (Sy)125 5
JV Wilson (Yor)2616 16
CE Winn (Sx)42 2
FH Winrow (Nt)253 3
AVG Wolton (Wk)2814 14
DJ Wood (Sx)1410 10
FG Woodhead (Nt)32 2
CRD Wooler (Le)2712 12
W Wooller (Gm)1821 21
AF Woollett (Kent)72 2
DVP Wright (Kent)257 7
RES Wyatt (Wo)117 7
NWD Yardley (Yor)1621 21
DM Young (Gs)2811 11
JA Young (Mx)288 8





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