
Fielding in Royal London Under-17 County Cup 2017 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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C Nunn (Norf)49312
AW Bone (Corn)6358
MJM Brewer (Gs)4628
BJ Griffin (Wk)4538
BD Fitzmaurice (Wo)4617
A White (Bed)5527
BD Wright (Dy)57 7
RN Bell (Le)2336
JLB Davies (Mx)2516
W Langlands (Here)4516
GA Metzger (Ham)46 6
OJ Feakes (Ches)4055
HS Fisher (Dor)45 5
LP Goldsworthy (Corn)45 5
EB Litvin (Yor)3235
CD Matthews (Wales)3325
BJ Phillips (Dev)45 5
CJ Reed (Sm)4415
MC Ayres (Gs)4314
J Banton (Wk)44 4
M Clarke (Nr)44 4
B Collinge (Bed)54 4
J Davis (Staff)44 4
L Deacon (Dor)44 4
HA de Lucchi (Norf)34 4
G Dickinson (Ches)54 4
L Dove (La)44 4
AP Ferreira (Ox)3314
EB Fluck (Ches)54 4
T Gould (Ox)24 4
PJ Harrington (Hunt)24 4
W Latham (Hert)44 4
J Luto (Lin)34 4
J McCarthy (Dur,Nthum)6224
SW Mead (Ham)34 4
A Moore (Nt)3224
JP Morley (La)54 4
AG Oxley (Suff)44 4
J Porter (Nt)44 4
A Rennie (Bed)44 4
OG Rogoff (Here)4134
HTW Sage (Shrop)3224
EA Wilcox (Staff)2314
F Wilkinson (Buck)2314
MS Ahmad (La)63 3
J Aldridge (Here)23 3
WG Atkinson (Cum)33 3
AL Ayres (IoW)2213
OR Binny (Norf)43 3
WEL Buttleman (Es)3213
AJH Cooper (Norf)33 3
JM Cox (Kent)33 3
JB Cracknell (Mx)63 3
FH Drinkell (Nr)33 3
GS Drissell (Gs)43 3
LR Everitt (Bed)53 3
HOM Gouldstone (Nr)43 3
NJ Green (Le)43 3
CO Gwynn (IoW)13 3
JS Hawkins (Hert)3213
JL Hobbs (Suff)43 3
L Hunt (Dor)43 3
ME Kantolinna (Ham)33 3
PM Kent (Corn)63 3
N Kerai (Dor)43 3
AE King (Nr)43 3
T Langlands (Here)43 3
GID Lavelle (La)3123
K Leathley (Corn)63 3
BJ Lees (Shrop)13 3
E Letvin (Yor)1123
S Lilley (Suff)23 3
S Malvernaker (Wk)43 3
RA Parker-Cole (Nt)43 3
C Park-Johnson (Cum)23 3
SJ Perry (Ches)53 3
A Shannon (Dy)43 3
WTE Smale (Wales)33 3
M Speed (Hunt)43 3
GG Tait (Ox)33 3
A Thomas (Mx)43 3
W Thomson (Hert)33 3
R Udwadia (La)63 3
J Vale (Hunt)43 3
Z Wells (IoW)23 3
J Wilson (Dy)53 3
SG Wyatt (Corn)63 3
S Ahmedazai (Wk)22 2
S Akhtar (Buck)22 2
BMJ Allison (Es)42 2
DL Andrew (Dy)52 2
MJI Aubrey (Cam)32 2
A Ayros (IoW)1112
SD Bates (Le)32 2
LB Bedford (Sy)22 2
SJD Bell (Dur)42 2
J Bird (Berk)32 2
G Bolland (Corn)62 2
LC Botes (Ches)42 2
M Brown (Dur)42 2
JH Burslem (Hert)22 2
DM Caddy (Corn)12 2
S Carty (Dor)22 2
H Chaudry (Nt)32 2
JGT Crawley (La)62 2
BJ Currie (Sy)32 2
SW Currie (Ham)4112
IVA Dilkes (Kent)32 2
SC Dorsey (La)42 2
J Drage (Buck)22 2
JA Dryell (Gs)22 2
JDM Evison (Nt)32 2
J Frame (Suff)42 2
A Freeman (Cam)32 2
H Gadd (Ham)22 2
AHK Ghauri (Wilt)22 2
BJ Gibbon (Ches)52 2
TL Greatwood (Berk)22 2
TJ Haines (Sx)22 2
HJ Hankins (Gs)42 2
C Harding (Sm)42 2
T Heaton (La)62 2
K Hull (Cum)32 2
J Hutchinson (Shrop)32 2
MM Ilyas (Wales)32 2
MA John (Mx)62 2
ES Kalley (Es)42 2
R Kaushal (Staff)42 2
J Kelly (Suff)22 2
AS Khunti (Le)42 2
J Klair (Shrop)32 2
A Laws-Mather (Hert)42 2
H Malton (Nthum)22 2
J Martin (Hunt)12 2
C Miller (Ox)12 2
A O'Hara (Staff)42 2
JA Paull (Corn)42 2
A Peat (Staff)42 2
H Penberthy (Nr)12 2
S Pitkin (Bed)42 2
JH Plom (Es)42 2
RAJ Richardson (Sy)3112
WE Rigg (Wk)42 2
T Rollinson (Lin)2022
JS Rymell (Es)42 2
HJ Sargent (Dev)32 2
H Senior (Gs)42 2
SC Serby (Cam)3112
P Singh (Sy)42 2
O Slade (Wilt)1112
J Smith (Hunt)12 2
JJ Smith (Hunt)32 2
JL Smith (Sy)12 2
SWC Smith (Kent)32 2
D Southworth (La)62 2
O Stevens (Hunt)42 2
S Subramonion (Hunt)32 2
HA Sullivan (Yor)12 2
J Taylor (Hunt)42 2
J Towers (Nt)42 2
NG van Lint (Suff)42 2
RI Walker (Wales)22 2
H Wanford (Dy)52 2
HCB Ward (Dev)42 2
BJJ Wells (Sm)32 2
EAF Whiteford (Corn)62 2
MEL Wilkes (La)62 2
MR Williamson (Dur,Nthum)62 2
J Winterbottom (Berk)22 2
RM Yates (Wk)32 2
DJ Ahmed (Gs)21 1
M Ahmed (Wo)41 1
RM Ahmed (Dy)31 1
AR Amin (Mx)21 1
G Angier (Norf)11 1
H Aravinthan (Sy)21 1
H Arif (Berk)11 1
FWH Atkins (Suff)41 1
B Attrill (IoW)31 1
ER Bamber (Mx)51 1
TE Barber (Dor)31 1
H Barclay (La)31 1
GCH Barlow (Sy)41 1
D Barnard (Corn)41 1
J Barnes (Staff)11 1
H Bates (Le)11 1
M Batkin (Shrop)21 1
I Beaglehole (Dor)31 1
TR Bevan (Wales)21 1
LR Bhabra (Nt)31 1
JC Blunt (Le)21 1
TGL Blythman (Bed)31 1
C Boland (Mx)31 1
ASB Bramley (Nr)41 1
N Broad (Dor)31 1
EA Brookes (Wk)41 1
H Bullin (Hunt)11 1
HL Carlyon (Sx)11 1
AR Carter (Berk)11 1
TC Caswell (Lin)31 1
K Chakraborty (Gs)21 1
LM Cheshire (Wales)31 1
TGR Clark (Sx)21 1
RX Clarke (Wo)11 1
B Coddington (Nr)21 1
WCH Collard (Sx)31 1
M Cope (Shrop)21 1
DJ Cox (IoW)31 1
EAJ Cox (Nr)31 1
HE Craig (Hunt)21 1
C Cross (Wo)31 1
L Curtis (Wilt)21 1
AS Dale (Ham)21 1
J Davidson (Cum)31 1
R Day (Hert)11 1
S Dey (Buck)11 1
HJ Dobson (Ches)51 1
CM Dudley (Wo)11 1
AD Duke (Mx)31 1
TD Duke (Hert)31 1
N Dunning (Sm)41 1
O Edwards (Staff)21 1
B Elias (Here)11 1
BL Ellis (Shrop)11 1
A Farooq (Nt)11 1
B Fielding (La)61 1
CM Fyfe (Dur)41 1
BBA Geddes (Sy)21 1
JH Gibbs (Dev)41 1
O Gilks (Shrop)31 1
BCS Glendinning (Cum)11 1
W Glenister (Bed)11 1
JW Graham (Le)31 1
B Hall (Dy)21 1
RJR Hanley (Nthum)21 1
A Hassan (Dy)41 1
C Heath (Sx)11 1
RHM Hipwell (Ham)11 1
LBK Hollman (Mx)61 1
P Holly (Ham)31 1
FA Homyoon (Bed)31 1
J Howlett (Cam)31 1
SJ Jardine (Wales)11 1
SBS Jaspal (Es)21 1
AP Jones (Es)31 1
TL Jones (Wales)31 1
HA Jupp (Gs)41 1
NS Keast (Lin)31 1
HM Khan (Nt)41 1
JAT Khan (Dev)41 1
FIN Khushi (Es)41 1
M Kimmitt (Dy)51 1
AS Kopparambil (Dev)11 1
KK Kumar (Cam)21 1
H Lake (Norf)41 1
D Leach (Yor)21 1
H Lee (Cum)11 1
DJ Leech (Yor)21 1
M Lello (Corn)61 1
G Lem (Hert)21 1
E Limerick (Shrop)31 1
HJ McBrearty (Bed)41 1
G McCormick (Ches)51 1
AH Miller (Nr)21 1
D Mistry (Bed)21 1
AJ Moen (Kent)11 1
M Morgan (Here)11 1
M Mukhtar (Nthum)11 1
T Murphy (Norf)31 1
WL Naish (Gs)31 1
JE Nightingale (Le)41 1
ZH Organ (Ham)31 1
JJ O'Riordan (Kent)31 1
MW Oswell (Dur)41 1
B Parker (Gs)11 1
M Percival (Nthum)21 1
L Pike (Yor)21 1
T Poole (Norf)31 1
A Portas (Hert)11 1
H Pounds (Le)31 1
TJ Prest (Ham)11 1
TJ Price (Gs)51 1
H Randell (IoW)11 1
NMJ Reifer (Sy)11 1
SS Reynolds (Ham)41 1
C Robertson (IoW)21 1
J Rodnight (Buck)11 1
CW Rogers (Norf)41 1
S Sajid (Buck)21 1
M Saunders (Hunt)41 1
CFB Scott (Mx)61 1
M Shayad (Staff)11 1
Shiryar Ahmed (Berk)31 1
L Shore (IoW)21 1
M Simmonds (Shrop)21 1
WCF Smeed (Sm)41 1
J Smith (Hunt)21 1
N Snookes (Yor)41 1
P Stephens (Berk)31 1
TG Sturgess (Sy)21 1
JR Sullivan (Yor)31 1
K Sutton (Dev)11 1
A Thompson (Cam)11 1
J Thorne (Bed)41 1
W Trenoweth (Corn)61 1
H Trussler (IoW)11 1
MM Tryfonos (Gs)11 1
B Tuine (Sx)11 1
J Wade (Wilt)21 1
KJH Waldock (Suff)31 1
T Walsh (Sm)41 1
N Ward (Kent)21 1
JC Watling (Hunt)11 1
A Wells (IoW)11 1
B White (IoW)21 1
A Whitford (Yor)11 1
BS Whitford (Yor)21 1
M Whittaker (Suff)41 1
B Whittenbury (Here)21 1
RS Wijeratne (Mx)41 1
AL Wijesuriya (Hert)11 1
T Wildig (Here)21 1
H Wood (Yor)21 1
JA Wood (Sx)11 1
J Woodford (Berk)31 1
B Woodward (Lin)21 1





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