
Fielding in Britannic Assurance County Championship 1996 (Ordered by Dismissals)

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RJ Turner (Sm)1761364
KM Krikken (Dy)1760363
KR Brown (Mx)1759160
PA Nixon (Le)1750454
RJ Rollins (Es)1747552
WK Hegg (La)1645550
P Moores (Sx)1749150
GJ Kersey (Sy)1545146
SJ Rhodes (Wo)1733841
AN Aymes (Ham)1739140
RJ Blakey (Yor)1736238
SA Marsh (Kent)1428634
CL Hooper (Kent)1733 33
WM Noon (Nt)1330333
RC Russell (Gs)1331233
PV Simmons (Le)1633 33
DGC Ligertwood (Dur)1126531
CJ Adams (Dy)1730 30
D Byas (Yor)1729 29
DP Ostler (Wk)1528 28
AD Shaw (Gm)1024428
JD Carr (Mx)1527 27
KJ Piper (Wk)1221627
DP Fulton (Kent)1524 24
SG Law (Es)1424 24
JC Pooley (Mx)1622 22
D Ripley (Nr)922 22
MA Butcher (Sy)1721 21
MP Maynard (Gm)1520 20
GJ Parsons (Le)1620 20
AP Grayson (Es)1619 19
CW Scott (Dur)619 19
RJ Warren (Nr)1018119
VJ Wells (Le)1719 19
WPC Weston (Wo)1719 19
GA Gooch (Es)1718 18
AJ Hollioake (Sy)1618 18
DL Maddy (Le)1718 18
RJ Maru (Ham)1117 17
GA Hick (Wo)1216 16
LNP Walker (Nt)414216
GF Archer (Nt)1215 15
CWJ Athey (Sx)1715 15
MCJ Ball (Gs)1315 15
SL Campbell (Dur)1515 15
RP Davis (Gs)1415 15
MW Alleyne (Gs)1714 14
AD Brown (Sy)1414 14
PA Cottey (Gm)1714 14
KM Curran (Nr)1514 14
SP James (Gm)1714 14
S Lee (Sm)1614 14
CP Metson (Gm)712214
H Morris (Gm)1614 14
M Burns (Wk)712113
DM Jones (Dy)1713 13
SR Lampitt (Wo)1713 13
CC Lewis (Sy)813 13
TL Penney (Wk)1713 13
DR Brown (Wk)1712 12
DJ Capel (Nr)1512 12
RDB Croft (Gm)1512 12
N Hussain (Es)1112 12
NJ Llong (Kent)1212 12
RR Montgomerie (Nr)1512 12
AP Wells (Sx)1712 12
C White (Yor)1712 12
GW White (Ham)1112 12
RCJ Williams (Gs)412 12
CEL Ambrose (Nr)911 11
AF Giles (Wk)1511 11
RJ Harden (Sm)1211 11
WS Kendall (Ham)811 11
TM Moody (Wo)1711 11
ARK Pierson (Le)1711 11
PJ Prichard (Es)1711 11
SP Titchard (La)1211 11
ME Trescothick (Sm)1311 11
SD Udal (Ham)1411 11
M Watkinson (La)1611 11
AJ Wright (Gs)911 11
P Bainbridge (Dur)1110 10
CL Cairns (Nt)1610 10
NH Fairbrother (La)1210 10
JER Gallian (La)1410 10
A Habib (Le)1410 10
THC Hancock (Gs)1410 10
RK Illingworth (Wo)1610 10
P Johnson (Nt)1710 10
MN Lathwell (Sm)1610 10
JJB Lewis (Es)410 10
MJ McCague (Kent)1710 10
A McGrath (Yor)1710 10
NMK Smith (Wk)1410 10
NJ Speak (La)1110 10
AJ Stewart (Sy)910 10
VP Terry (Ham)510 10
GP Thorpe (Sy)910 10
TR Ward (Kent)1710 10
PN Weekes (Mx)1710 10
DJ Bicknell (Sy)179 9
MW Gatting (Mx)149 9
BP Julian (Sy)169 9
NV Knight (Wk)89 9
MA Lynch (Gs)109 9
AL Penberthy (Nr)179 9
PR Pollard (Nt)129 9
AS Rollins (Dy)169 9
J Boiling (Dur)78 8
GP Butcher (Gm)128 8
TS Curtis (Wo)168 8
PAJ DeFreitas (Dy)138 8
A Fordham (Nr)98 8
K Greenfield (Sx)138 8
M Keech (Ham)108 8
JS Laney (Ham)148 8
JE Morris (Dur)158 8
RT Robinson (Nt)178 8
GD Rose (Sm)148 8
VS Solanki (Wo)128 8
RD Stemp (Yor)178 8
PM Such (Es)168 8
A Symonds (Gs)178 8
JA Afford (Nt)177 7
RJ Bailey (Nr)117 7
RT Bates (Nt)107 7
AR Caddick (Sm)137 7
DG Cork (Dy)117 7
MV Fleming (Kent)177 7
JC Harrison (Mx)57 7
G Keedy (La)137 7
WG Khan (Wk)147 7
AJ Moles (Wk)137 7
TJG O'Gorman (Dy)107 7
MR Ramprakash (Mx)167 7
DA Reeve (Wk)57 7
IDK Salisbury (Sx)147 7
MP Speight (Sx)97 7
PCR Tufnell (Mx)167 7
CA Walsh (Gs)157 7
SL Watkin (Gm)167 7
MG Bevan (Yor)126 6
PD Collingwood (Dur)116 6
AP Cowan (Es)136 6
JA Daley (Dur)96 6
SWK Ellis (Wo)86 6
JE Emburey (Nr)116 6
OD Gibson (Gm)86 6
PJ Hartley (Yor)166 6
PCL Holloway (Sm)96 6
RC Irani (Es)146 6
KD James (Ham)126 6
RA Kettleborough (Yor)56 6
DR Law (Sx)156 6
GD Lloyd (La)146 6
MM Patel (Kent)146 6
MA Roseberry (Dur)156 6
CEW Silverwood (Yor)166 6
JP Stephenson (Ham)136 6
G Welch (Wk)116 6
SC Willis (Kent)36 6
PD Bowler (Sm)175 5
MA Ealham (Kent)115 5
S Elworthy (La)115 5
D Gough (Yor)155 5
JW Hall (Sx)65 5
DL Hemp (Gm)55 5
JP Hewitt (Mx)85 5
S Hutton (Dur)125 5
DA Leatherdale (Wo)95 5
DJ Millns (Le)165 5
MD Moxon (Yor)135 5
SM Pollock (Wk)135 5
JD Ratcliffe (Sy)85 5
N Shahid (Sy)105 5
NJ Trainor (Gs)85 5
ID Austin (La)94 4
TMB Bailey (Nr)24 4
KJ Barnett (Dy)174 4
JD Batty (Sm)144 4
MM Betts (Dur)134 4
DA Blenkiron (Dur)94 4
GR Cowdrey (Kent)104 4
A Dale (Gm)124 4
MP Dowman (Nt)74 4
NM Kendrick (Gm)84 4
GA Khan (Dy)24 4
RJ Kirtley (Sx)64 4
MB Loye (Nr)124 4
AA Metcalfe (Nt)124 4
AC Morris (Yor)44 4
NC Phillips (Sx)64 4
DJG Sales (Nr)44 4
A Sheriyar (Wo)154 4
KJ Shine (Sm)104 4
KR Spiring (Wo)154 4
TA Tweats (Dy)24 4
MJ Vandrau (Dy)84 4
MP Vaughan (Yor)174 4
CM Wells (Dy)104 4
PR Whitaker (Ham)94 4
MGN Windows (Gs)94 4
J Wood (Dur)84 4
MA Atherton (La)83 3
WKM Benjamin (Ham)23 3
MN Bowen (Nt)123 3
SJE Brown (Dur)163 3
MJ Church (Wo)43 3
DA Cosker (Gm)53 3
JP Crawley (La)123 3
AW Evans (Gm)43 3
KP Evans (Nt)133 3
RA Fay (Mx)143 3
ARC Fraser (Mx)173 3
AJ Harris (Dy)113 3
DW Headley (Kent)103 3
BC Hollioake (Sy)33 3
MC Ilott (Es)153 3
KJ Innes (Nr)43 3
PW Jarvis (Sx)73 3
NJ Lenham (Sx)153 3
J Lewis (Gs)93 3
JEH Owen (Dy)73 3
OT Parkin (Gm)73 3
RM Pearson (Sy)143 3
NW Preston (Kent)73 3
SJ Renshaw (Ham)63 3
DDJ Robinson (Es)93 3
A Singh (Wk)23 3
BF Smith (Le)173 3
JN Snape (Nr)83 3
JP Taylor (Nr)173 3
HRJ Trump (Sm)33 3
P Aldred (Dy)42 2
SJW Andrew (Es)72 2
SR Barwick (Gm)52 2
MP Bicknell (Sy)162 2
LJ Botham (Ham)32 2
MT Brimson (Le)102 2
DM Cox (Dur)72 2
KP Dutch (Mx)32 2
SC Ecclestone (Sm)62 2
D Follett (Mx)42 2
RJ Green (La)62 2
AN Hayhurst (Sm)92 2
RSM Morris (Ham)32 2
TA Munton (Wk)92 2
KA Parsons (Sm)62 2
SD Peters (Es)22 2
MJ Powell (Wk)42 2
OA Shah (Mx)52 2
GC Small (Wk)72 2
AM Smith (Gs)162 2
SD Thomas (Gm)82 2
CM Tolley (Nt)82 2
MJ Walker (Kent)72 2
TC Walton (Nr)52 2
DM Ward (Sy)22 2
JJ Whitaker (Le)152 2
NF Williams (Es)122 2
TN Wren (Kent)62 2
U Afzaal (Nt)41 1
DA Altree (Wk)21 1
JE Benjamin (Sy)131 1
DJP Boden (Gs)11 1
JF Brown (Nr)11 1
G Chapple (La)151 1
RJ Cunliffe (Gs)61 1
KJ Dean (Dy)61 1
VC Drakes (Sx)151 1
GM Hamilton (Yor)21 1
JJ Haynes (La)1011
DR Hewson (Gs)51 1
JG Hughes (Nr)11 1
RL Johnson (Mx)111 1
N Killeen (Dur)31 1
S Lugsden (Dur)31 1
PC McKeown (La)21 1
DE Malcolm (Dy)161 1
NA Mallender (Nr)11 1
PJ Martin (La)121 1
AD Mullally (Le)91 1
DJ Nash (Mx)11 1
K Newell (Sx)41 1
M Newell (Sx)11 1
PJ Newport (Wo)51 1
DB Pennett (Nt)31 1
BJ Phillips (Kent)31 1
RA Pick (Nt)61 1
BEA Preece (Wo)11 1
TA Radford (Sx)41 1
MJ Rawnsley (Wo)31 1
AR Roberts (Nr)51 1
GM Roberts (Dy)11 1
RA Smith (Ham)161 1
EJ Stanford (Kent)21 1
PE Wellings (Mx)41 1
RMS Weston (Dur)21 1
G Yates (La)21 1





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