
Miscellaneous Matches played on Sportpaark De Couwenhoek, Capelle aan den IJssel (141)

(count excludes the 6 matches in which no play was possible)
Note that the only matches included in this list are those for which CricketArchive has a scorecard on its database
14th September 1946 BH Valentine's XI in Netherlands 1946  Netherlands v BH Valentine's XImisc64424
19th June 1964 Dorset Rangers in Netherlands 1964  Sparta v Dorset Rangersmisc512004
10th May 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v Kampongmisc378548
24th May 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v HCCmisc378558
28th May 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v VRAmisc378562
7th June 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v Voorburgmisc378571
14th June 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v VOCmisc378583
5th July 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v Excelsior '20misc378600
26th July 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v HBSmisc378616
16th August 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v Hermes DVSmisc378628
22nd August 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v Hermes DVSmisc378630
29th August 1992 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1992  Sparta v Koninklijke UDmisc627722a
2nd May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v ACCmisc378644
9th May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v Voorburgmisc378653
16th May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v HBSmisc378658
23rd May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v VRAmisc378673
31st May 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v Rood en Witmisc378684
13th June 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v HCCmisc378693
27th June 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v Koninklijke UDmisc378715
18th July 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v Hermes DVSmisc378733
25th July 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v Kampongmisc627719a
15th August 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v VOCmisc378750
29th August 1993 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1993  Sparta v Excelsior '20misc378757
8th May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v Excelsior '20misc627706a
15th May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v ACCmisc378780
23rd May 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v Kampongmisc378793
5th June 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v HBSmisc378806
19th June 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v Voorburgmisc378816
26th June 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v Koninklijke UDmisc378822
2nd July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v VOCmisc378829
10th July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v Quick Haagmisc378843
23rd July 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v Rood en Witmisc378855
7th August 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v Hermes DVSmisc378864
21st August 1994 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1994  Sparta v VRAmisc378880
21st May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v HBSmisc378913
28th May 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v Koninklijke UDmisc378928
5th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v Excelsior '20misc378941
18th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v VOCmisc378950
24th June 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v Rood en Witmisc378955
2nd July 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v Voorburgmisc378962
9th July 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v Hermes DVSmisc378975
30th July 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v Kampongmisc378990
12th August 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v VRAmisc378998
20th August 1995 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 1995  Sparta v Quick Haagmisc379013
18th August 2002 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2002  Hermes DVS v Jinnahmisc379751
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v Dostimisc627831
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v Kampongmisc627834
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v VRA Second XImisc627837
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v Asianmisc627829
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v Herculesmisc627832
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v Rood en Witmisc627835
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v Bloemendaalmisc627830
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v Hermes DVS Second XImisc627833
2005 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2005  Sparta v Spartamisc627836
7th May 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v Quick Haag Second XImisc382542
14th May 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v Hermes DVS Second XImisc382546
4th June 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v Bloemendaalmisc382563
11th June 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v Dostimisc382573
9th July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v Dosti Second XImisc382592
15th July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v Kievitenmisc382597
23rd July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v Kampongmisc382608
29th July 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v Herculesmisc627755a
13th August 2006 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2006  Sparta v ACCmisc382620
6th May 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v Quick Haag Second XImisc382449
13th May 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v Herculesmisc382450
20th May 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v Kampongmisc382460
28th May 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v Hermes DVS Second XImisc382469
1st June 2007 Nachenius Tjeenk Twenty20 Cup 2007 Group ASparta v Excelsior '20misc628661
8th June 2007 Nachenius Tjeenk Twenty20 Cup 2007 Group ASparta v VOCmisc628664
10th June 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v Rood en Witmisc382478
22nd June 2007 Nachenius Tjeenk Twenty20 Cup 2007 Group A FinalSparta v Hermes DVSmisc628665
8th July 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v Dostimisc382500
12th August 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v HCC Second XImisc382526
18th August 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v Jinnahmisc382530
25th August 2007 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2007  Sparta v Kievitenmisc382538
11th May 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v VVVmisc380232
16th May 2008 Nachenius Tjeenk Twenty20 Cup 2008 Group ASparta 1888 v VOCmisc628696
18th May 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v Excelsior '20misc380245
30th May 2008 Nachenius Tjeenk Twenty20 Cup 2008 Group ASparta 1888 v Hermes DVSmisc628699
1st June 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v VRAmisc380255
15th June 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v Hermes DVSmisc380263
20th June 2008 Nachenius Tjeenk Twenty20 Cup 2008 Group ASparta 1888 v Pak Dutchmisc628701
22nd June 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v HBSmisc380267
29th June 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v Quick Haagmisc380272
13th July 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v HCCmisc380283
19th July 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v Voorburgmisc380287
3rd August 2008 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2008  Sparta v VOCmisc380299
3rd May 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v Hilversummisc382222
10th May 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v VOC Second XImisc382224
21st May 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v Kampongmisc382236
29th May 2009 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2009 Group ASparta 1888 v Excelsior '20misc628737
31st May 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v Pak Dutchmisc382245
7th June 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v Rood en Witmisc382254
19th June 2009 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2009 Group ASparta 1888 v Pak Dutchmisc628732
5th July 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v Bloemendaalmisc382275
19th July 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v HCC Second XImisc382286
9th August 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v Dostimisc382296
23rd August 2009 Netherland Cricket League Eersteklasse 2009  Sparta 1888 v Herculesmisc382308
2nd May 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010  Sparta 1888 v VVVmisc627612
9th May 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010  Sparta 1888 v HBSmisc627614
16th May 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010  Sparta 1888 v Dostimisc627621
24th May 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010  Sparta 1888 v HCC Second XImisc627632
28th May 2010 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2010 Group ASparta 1888 v VOCmisc628777
4th June 2010 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2010 Group ASparta 1888 v Excelsior '20misc628775
11th June 2010 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2010 Group ASparta 1888 v Hermes DVSmisc628773
18th June 2010 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2010 Group ASparta 1888 v Pak Dutchmisc628771
20th June 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010  Sparta 1888 v Bloemendaalmisc627647
4th July 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010  Sparta 1888 v Voorburgmisc627655
18th July 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010  Sparta 1888 v Kampongmisc627663
15th August 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010 Relegation Play-offsSparta 1888 v VVVmisc627673
21st August 2010 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2010 Relegation Play-offsSparta 1888 v Kampongmisc627675
2011 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2011  Sparta 1888 Second XI v VRA Second XImisc628015a
1st May 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011  Sparta 1888 v Kampongmisc627543
8th May 2011 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2011  Sparta 1888 Second XI v Kampong Second XImisc628010
15th May 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011  Sparta 1888 v HCC Second XImisc627551
22nd May 2011 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2011  Sparta 1888 Second XI v Quick 1888misc628003
29th May 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011  Sparta 1888 v Dostimisc627559
2nd June 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011  Sparta 1888 v Voorburgmisc627564
2nd June 2011 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2011  Sparta 1888 Second XI v ACC Second XImisc627996
12th June 2011 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2011  Sparta 1888 Second XI v Hilversummisc627987
13th June 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011  Sparta 1888 v Herculesmisc627576
26th June 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011  Sparta 1888 v HBSmisc627584
10th July 2011 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2011  Sparta 1888 Second XI v CC Nieuwegeinmisc627976
17th July 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011  Sparta 1888 v Bloemendaalmisc627595a
7th August 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011 Championship Play-offsSparta 1888 v Voorburgmisc627597
7th August 2011 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2011  Sparta 1888 Second XI v Dosti Second XImisc627970
14th August 2011 Netherland Cricket League Hoofdklasse 2011 Championship Play-offsSparta 1888 v Dostimisc627599
5th May 2012 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2012 Group BSparta 1888 v Quick Haagmisc628920
5th May 2012 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2012 Group BSparta 1888 v Punjab Rotterdammisc628923
17th May 2012 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2012  Sparta 1888 Second XI v Excelsior '20 Second XImisc627942
25th May 2012 Netherland Cricket League Twenty20 Cup 2012 Group BSparta 1888 v Excelsior '20misc628902
27th May 2012 Netherland Cricket League Overgangsklasse A 2012  Sparta 1888 Second XI v Punjab Rotterdam Second XImisc627935
20th July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014 Warm-upDansk XL Club v The Forty Club of Spainmisc619846
20th July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014 Warm-upRoyal Bad Boys v The Forty Clubmisc619845
21st July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Dansk XL Club v The Forty Club of Spainmisc619847
21st July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Still Going Strong Cricket Club v The Forty Clubmisc619848
22nd July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Dansk XL Club v The Forty Club of Spainmisc619852
22nd July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Still Going Strong Cricket Club v Dansk XL Clubmisc619850
22nd July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Still Going Strong Cricket Club v The Forty Clubmisc619851
22nd July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  The Forty Club v The Forty Club of Spainmisc619849
23rd July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Dansk XL Club v The Forty Clubmisc619853
23rd July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Still Going Strong Cricket Club v The Forty Club of Spainmisc619854
24th July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Dansk XL Club v The Forty Clubmisc619856
24th July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Still Going Strong Cricket Club v The Forty Club of Spainmisc619855
25th July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  Still Going Strong Cricket Club v Dansk XL Clubmisc619857
25th July 2014 The Forty Club Quadrangular Tournament 2014  The Forty Club v The Forty Club of Spainmisc619858
10th September 2019 The Forty Club in Netherlands 2019  Still Going Strong Cricket Club v The Forty Clubmisc823960





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