
Derbyshire County Cricket League Division Three North 2024

 Averages: [Batting] [Bowling] [Fielding]
 Averages by [Team]

27 Apr 2024  Belper Amateurs v Marehay Second XI The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962380a
27 Apr 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Hundall Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962381
27 Apr 2024  Holmesfield v Matlock and Cromford Meadows Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962382a
27 Apr 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Darley Dale The Common, Quarndon misc962383
27 Apr 2024  Riddings v Denby Second XI Riddings Park, Riddings misc962384a
04 May 2024  Darley Dale v Riddings Station Road, South Darley misc962385
04 May 2024  Denby Second XI v Holmesfield The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962386a
04 May 2024  Hundall v Ashover Barbarians Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962387
04 May 2024  Marehay Second XI v Belper Meadows Second XI The Maryfield, Ripley misc962388a
04 May 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Belper Amateurs Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962389
04 May 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Quarndon Second XI The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962390
11 May 2024  Belper Amateurs v Hundall The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962391
11 May 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Ashover Barbarians Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962392
11 May 2024  Darley Dale v Wirksworth and Middleton Station Road, South Darley misc962393
11 May 2024  Holmesfield v Marehay Second XI Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962394
11 May 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Denby Second XI The Common, Quarndon misc962395
11 May 2024  Riddings v Matlock and Cromford Meadows Riddings Park, Riddings misc962396
18 May 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Quarndon Second XI Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962397
18 May 2024  Belper Amateurs v Holmesfield The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962398a
18 May 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Riddings Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962399
18 May 2024  Hundall v Darley Dale Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962400
18 May 2024  Marehay Second XI v Denby Second XI The Maryfield, Ripley misc962401a
18 May 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Matlock and Cromford Meadows The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962402
25 May 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Belper Amateurs Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962403
25 May 2024  Denby Second XI v Darley Dale The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962404a
25 May 2024  Hundall v Holmesfield Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962405
25 May 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Quarndon Second XI Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962406
25 May 2024  Riddings v Marehay Second XI Riddings Park, Riddings misc962407
25 May 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Belper Meadows Second XI The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962408
01 Jun 2024  Belper Amateurs v Wirksworth and Middleton The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962409
01 Jun 2024  Darley Dale v Marehay Second XI Station Road, South Darley misc962410
01 Jun 2024  Denby Second XI v Matlock and Cromford Meadows The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962411
01 Jun 2024  Holmesfield v Belper Meadows Second XI Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962412
01 Jun 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Hundall The Common, Quarndon misc962413
01 Jun 2024  Riddings v Ashover Barbarians Riddings Park, Riddings misc962414
08 Jun 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Holmesfield Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962415
08 Jun 2024  Hundall v Riddings Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962416
08 Jun 2024  Marehay Second XI v Quarndon Second XI The Maryfield, Ripley misc962417
08 Jun 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Darley Dale Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962418
08 Jun 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Denby Second XI The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962419
09 Jun 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Belper Amateurs Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962420
09 Jun 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Ashover Barbarians Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962421
15 Jun 2024  Darley Dale v Ashover Barbarians Station Road, South Darley misc962422a
15 Jun 2024  Denby Second XI v Hundall The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962423a
15 Jun 2024  Holmesfield v Wirksworth and Middleton Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962424
15 Jun 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Marehay Second XI Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962425
15 Jun 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Belper Meadows Second XI The Common, Quarndon misc962426a
15 Jun 2024  Riddings v Belper Amateurs Riddings Park, Riddings misc962427
22 Jun 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Denby Second XI Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962428
22 Jun 2024  Belper Amateurs v Quarndon Second XI The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962429
22 Jun 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Darley Dale Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962430
22 Jun 2024  Holmesfield v Riddings Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962431
22 Jun 2024  Hundall v Matlock and Cromford Meadows Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962432
22 Jun 2024  Marehay Second XI v Wirksworth and Middleton The Maryfield, Ripley misc962433
29 Jun 2024  Darley Dale v Holmesfield Station Road, South Darley misc962434
29 Jun 2024  Denby Second XI v Belper Amateurs The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962435
29 Jun 2024  Marehay Second XI v Ashover Barbarians The Maryfield, Ripley misc962436
29 Jun 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Belper Meadows Second XI Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962437
29 Jun 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Riddings The Common, Quarndon misc962438
29 Jun 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Hundall The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962439
30 Jun 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Riddings The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962440
06 Jul 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Matlock and Cromford Meadows Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962441
06 Jul 2024  Belper Amateurs v Darley Dale The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962442
06 Jul 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Denby Second XI Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962443
06 Jul 2024  Holmesfield v Quarndon Second XI Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962444a
06 Jul 2024  Hundall v Marehay Second XI Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962445
06 Jul 2024  Riddings v Wirksworth and Middleton Riddings Park, Riddings misc962446
13 Jul 2024  Darley Dale v Quarndon Second XI Station Road, South Darley misc962447
13 Jul 2024  Denby Second XI v Riddings The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962448
13 Jul 2024  Hundall v Belper Meadows Second XI Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962449
13 Jul 2024  Marehay Second XI v Belper Amateurs The Maryfield, Ripley misc962450
13 Jul 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Holmesfield Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962451
13 Jul 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Ashover Barbarians The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962452
20 Jul 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Hundall Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962453
20 Jul 2024  Belper Amateurs v Matlock and Cromford Meadows The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962454
20 Jul 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Marehay Second XI Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962455
20 Jul 2024  Holmesfield v Denby Second XI Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962456
20 Jul 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Wirksworth and Middleton The Common, Quarndon misc962457
20 Jul 2024  Riddings v Darley Dale Riddings Park, Riddings misc962458
27 Jul 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Belper Meadows Second XI Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962459
27 Jul 2024  Denby Second XI v Quarndon Second XI The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962460
27 Jul 2024  Hundall v Belper Amateurs Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962461
27 Jul 2024  Marehay Second XI v Holmesfield The Maryfield, Ripley misc962462
27 Jul 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Riddings Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962463
27 Jul 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Darley Dale The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962464
03 Aug 2024  Darley Dale v Hundall Station Road, South Darley misc962465
03 Aug 2024  Denby Second XI v Marehay Second XI The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962466
03 Aug 2024  Holmesfield v Belper Amateurs Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962467
03 Aug 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Wirksworth and Middleton Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962468
03 Aug 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Ashover Barbarians The Common, Quarndon misc962469
03 Aug 2024  Riddings v Belper Meadows Second XI Riddings Park, Riddings misc962470
10 Aug 2024  Belper Amateurs v Ashover Barbarians The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962471
10 Aug 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Wirksworth and Middleton Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962472
10 Aug 2024  Darley Dale v Denby Second XI Station Road, South Darley misc962473
10 Aug 2024  Holmesfield v Hundall Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962474
10 Aug 2024  Marehay Second XI v Riddings The Maryfield, Ripley misc962475
10 Aug 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Matlock and Cromford Meadows The Common, Quarndon misc962476
17 Aug 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Riddings Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962477
17 Aug 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Holmesfield Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962478
17 Aug 2024  Hundall v Quarndon Second XI Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962479
17 Aug 2024  Marehay Second XI v Darley Dale The Maryfield, Ripley misc962480
17 Aug 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Belper Amateurs The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962481
18 Aug 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Denby Second XI Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962482
24 Aug 2024  Belper Amateurs v Belper Meadows Second XI The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962483
24 Aug 2024  Darley Dale v Matlock and Cromford Meadows Station Road, South Darley misc962484
24 Aug 2024  Denby Second XI v Wirksworth and Middleton The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962485
24 Aug 2024  Holmesfield v Ashover Barbarians Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962486
24 Aug 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Marehay Second XI The Common, Quarndon misc962487
24 Aug 2024  Riddings v Hundall Riddings Park, Riddings misc962488
31 Aug 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Darley Dale Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962489
31 Aug 2024  Belper Amateurs v Riddings The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962490
31 Aug 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Quarndon Second XI Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962491
31 Aug 2024  Hundall v Denby Second XI Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962492
31 Aug 2024  Marehay Second XI v Matlock and Cromford Meadows The Maryfield, Ripley misc962493
31 Aug 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Holmesfield The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962494
01 Sep 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Wirksworth and Middleton Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962495
07 Sep 2024  Darley Dale v Belper Meadows Second XI Station Road, South Darley misc962496
07 Sep 2024  Denby Second XI v Ashover Barbarians The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc962497
07 Sep 2024  Matlock and Cromford Meadows v Hundall Causeway Lane, Matlock misc962498
07 Sep 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Belper Amateurs The Common, Quarndon misc962499
07 Sep 2024  Riddings v Holmesfield Riddings Park, Riddings misc962500
07 Sep 2024  Wirksworth and Middleton v Marehay Second XI The Recreation Ground, Wirksworth misc962501
14 Sep 2024  Ashover Barbarians v Marehay Second XI Milkin Lane, Ashover misc962502
14 Sep 2024  Belper Amateurs v Denby Second XI The Packhorse Ground, Alderwasley misc962503
14 Sep 2024  Belper Meadows Second XI v Matlock and Cromford Meadows Christchurch Meadows, Belper misc962504
14 Sep 2024  Holmesfield v Darley Dale Cordwell Valley, Holmesfield misc962505
14 Sep 2024  Hundall v Wirksworth and Middleton Windmill Lane, Hundall misc962506
14 Sep 2024  Riddings v Quarndon Second XI Riddings Park, Riddings misc962507
21 Sep 2024  Darley Dale v Belper Amateurs Station Road, South Darley misc
21 Sep 2024  Denby Second XI v Belper Meadows Second XI The Copper Yard, Denby Village misc
21 Sep 2024  Marehay Second XI v Hundall The Maryfield, Ripley misc
21 Sep 2024  Quarndon Second XI v Holmesfield The Common, Quarndon misc

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CricketArchive makes no claim that such matches will actually be played.





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