25 Apr 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Kimberley Institute |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2519a |
25 Apr 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Plumtree |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2519b |
25 Apr 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2519c |
25 Apr 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Hucknall |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2519d |
25 Apr 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Wollaton |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2519e |
25 Apr 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Clifton Village |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2519f |
02 May 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Cuckney |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2519g |
02 May 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Caythorpe |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2519h |
02 May 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2519i |
02 May 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2519j |
02 May 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Kimberley Institute |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2519k |
02 May 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Clifton Village |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2519l |
09 May 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Attenborough |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2519m |
09 May 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Plumtree |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2519n |
09 May 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Papplewick and Linby |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2519o |
09 May 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Wollaton |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2519p |
09 May 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Hucknall |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2519q |
09 May 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2519r |
16 May 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Attenborough |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2519s |
16 May 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Cuckney |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2519t |
16 May 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Wollaton |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2519u |
16 May 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Clifton Village |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2519v |
16 May 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Plumtree |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2519w |
16 May 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2519x |
23 May 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Hucknall |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2519y |
23 May 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Caythorpe |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2519z |
23 May 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Kimberley Institute |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2519aa |
23 May 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Papplewick and Linby |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2519ab |
23 May 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2519ac |
23 May 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2519ad |
25 May 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Attenborough |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2519ae |
25 May 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Papplewick and Linby |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2519af |
25 May 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2519ag |
25 May 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Cuckney |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2519ah |
25 May 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Caythorpe |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2519ai |
25 May 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Plumtree |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2519aj |
30 May 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2519ak |
30 May 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Hucknall |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2519al |
30 May 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Wollaton |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2519am |
30 May 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2519an |
30 May 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Clifton Village |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2519ao |
30 May 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Attenborough |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2519ap |
06 Jun 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2519aq |
06 Jun 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Kimberley Institute |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2519ar |
06 Jun 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Plumtree |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2519as |
06 Jun 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Caythorpe |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2519at |
06 Jun 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Cuckney |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2519au |
06 Jun 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Papplewick and Linby |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2519av |
13 Jun 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Wollaton |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2519aw |
13 Jun 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Hucknall |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2519ax |
13 Jun 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Kimberley Institute |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2519ay |
13 Jun 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Clifton Village |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2519az |
13 Jun 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2519ba |
13 Jun 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2519bb |
20 Jun 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Clifton Village |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2519bc |
20 Jun 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Papplewick and Linby |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2519bd |
20 Jun 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Attenborough |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2519be |
20 Jun 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Cuckney |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2519bf |
20 Jun 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Wollaton |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2519bg |
20 Jun 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Plumtree |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2519bh |
27 Jun 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2519bi |
27 Jun 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2519bj |
27 Jun 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Caythorpe |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2519bk |
27 Jun 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Kimberley Institute |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2519bl |
27 Jun 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2519bm |
27 Jun 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Hucknall |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2519bn |
04 Jul 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Wollaton |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2519bo |
04 Jul 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Papplewick and Linby |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2519bp |
04 Jul 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Plumtree |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2519bq |
04 Jul 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Attenborough |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2519br |
04 Jul 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Cavaliers and Carrington |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2519bs |
04 Jul 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Hucknall |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2519bt |
11 Jul 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Clifton Village |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2519bu |
11 Jul 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Kimberley Institute |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2519bv |
11 Jul 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Caythorpe |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2519bw |
11 Jul 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2519bx |
11 Jul 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Papplewick and Linby |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2519by |
11 Jul 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Cuckney |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2519bz |
18 Jul 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2520a |
18 Jul 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Wollaton |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2520b |
18 Jul 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2520c |
18 Jul 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Plumtree |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2522a |
18 Jul 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Hucknall |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2523a |
18 Jul 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Attenborough |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2524a |
25 Jul 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Papplewick and Linby |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2525a |
25 Jul 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Cuckney |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2525b |
25 Jul 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Clifton Village |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2528a |
25 Jul 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Kimberley Institute |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2529a |
25 Jul 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Caythorpe |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2530a |
25 Jul 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2530b |
01 Aug 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Plumtree |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2531a |
01 Aug 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Cavaliers and Carrington |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2533a |
01 Aug 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Cuckney |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2535a |
01 Aug 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Caythorpe |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2535b |
01 Aug 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Kimberley Institute |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2536a |
01 Aug 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2537a |
08 Aug 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Wollaton |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2538a |
08 Aug 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Clifton Village |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2538b |
08 Aug 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2538c |
08 Aug 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Papplewick and Linby |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2540a |
08 Aug 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Attenborough |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2540b |
08 Aug 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Hucknall |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2542a |
15 Aug 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2544a |
15 Aug 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Papplewick and Linby |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2545a |
15 Aug 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Kimberley Institute |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2548a |
15 Aug 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Clifton Village |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2549a |
15 Aug 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Cuckney |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2549b |
15 Aug 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Caythorpe |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2550a |
22 Aug 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Plumtree |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2552a |
22 Aug 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Hucknall |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2552b |
22 Aug 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2552c |
22 Aug 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2553a |
22 Aug 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Attenborough |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2554a |
22 Aug 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Wollaton |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2556a |
29 Aug 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Cuckney |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2559a |
29 Aug 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2560a |
29 Aug 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Caythorpe |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2561a |
29 Aug 2020 |
| | Mansfield Hosiery Mills v Plumtree |
The Fieldings, Sutton-in-Ashfield |
nottp2562a |
29 Aug 2020 |
| | Radcliffe-on-Trent v Papplewick and Linby |
Nottingham Road, Radcliffe-on-Trent |
nottp2562b |
29 Aug 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Attenborough |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2562c |
05 Sep 2020 |
| | Attenborough v Caythorpe |
Village Green, Attenborough |
nottp2568a |
05 Sep 2020 |
| | Cavaliers and Carrington v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Carrington Sports Ground, Nottingham |
nottp2569a |
05 Sep 2020 |
| | Hucknall v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
Hucknall New Gatehouse Ground, Hucknall |
nottp2572a |
05 Sep 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Cuckney |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2572b |
05 Sep 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Clifton Village |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2573a |
05 Sep 2020 |
| | Wollaton v Kimberley Institute |
Main Road, Wollaton |
nottp2573c |
12 Sep 2020 |
| | Caythorpe v Radcliffe-on-Trent |
Caythorpe Road, Caythorpe |
nottp2573d |
12 Sep 2020 |
| | Clifton Village v Mansfield Hosiery Mills |
The Cricket Oval, Nottingham |
nottp2573e |
12 Sep 2020 |
| | Cuckney v Attenborough |
Langwith Road, Cuckney |
nottp2573f |
12 Sep 2020 |
| | Kimberley Institute v Hucknall |
Private Ground, Kimberley |
nottp2574a |
12 Sep 2020 |
| | Papplewick and Linby v Cavaliers and Carrington |
Hall Lane, Papplewick |
nottp2574b |
12 Sep 2020 |
| | Plumtree v Wollaton |
Bradmore Lane, Plumtree |
nottp2574c |