23 Apr 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681837 |
23 Apr 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681835a |
23 Apr 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Mansfield Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681836a |
23 Apr 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Worksop Third XI |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681838 |
30 Apr 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Mansfield Third XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681841 |
30 Apr 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Milton Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681840a |
30 Apr 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681839a |
07 May 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Mansfield Third XI |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681842 |
07 May 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681844a |
07 May 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681843 |
07 May 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Worksop Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681845 |
14 May 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Milton Third XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681848a |
14 May 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681847 |
14 May 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681846a |
14 May 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681849a |
21 May 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681852 |
21 May 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681850 |
21 May 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Mansfield Third XI |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681851a |
21 May 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Milton Third XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681853 |
28 May 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Milton Third XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681855 |
28 May 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681856 |
28 May 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681854a |
30 May 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681857a |
04 Jun 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Worksop Third XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681861 |
04 Jun 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Anston Fourth XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681859 |
04 Jun 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681858 |
04 Jun 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Mansfield Third XI |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681860a |
11 Jun 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681863 |
11 Jun 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681862a |
11 Jun 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681865a |
11 Jun 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Worksop Third XI |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681864a |
18 Jun 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681869a |
18 Jun 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681867 |
18 Jun 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Milton Third XI |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681868 |
18 Jun 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681866 |
25 Jun 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681871a |
25 Jun 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Worksop Third XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681870 |
25 Jun 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Mansfield Third XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681873a |
25 Jun 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Wiseton Second XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681872 |
02 Jul 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681874 |
02 Jul 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681877 |
02 Jul 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Milton Third XI |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681876a |
02 Jul 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681875 |
09 Jul 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Worksop Third XI |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681880a |
09 Jul 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681878a |
09 Jul 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Mansfield Third XI |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681879 |
09 Jul 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681881a |
16 Jul 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681884 |
16 Jul 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681885a |
16 Jul 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681882a |
16 Jul 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Mansfield Third XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681883 |
23 Jul 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681887a |
23 Jul 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681888 |
23 Jul 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681889a |
23 Jul 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Worksop Third XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681886 |
30 Jul 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681890a |
30 Jul 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Milton Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681892 |
30 Jul 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681891 |
06 Aug 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Mansfield Third XI |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681894 |
06 Aug 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681893 |
06 Aug 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Worksop Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681896 |
06 Aug 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681895a |
13 Aug 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Worksop Third XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681900a |
13 Aug 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Milton Third XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681898 |
13 Aug 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Thurcroft Welfare |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681899a |
13 Aug 2016 |
| | Woodsetts Third XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Recreation Ground, Woodsetts |
misc681897a |
20 Aug 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681902a |
20 Aug 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681901a |
20 Aug 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Mansfield Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681904 |
20 Aug 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681903a |
27 Aug 2016 |
| | Lea and Roses Third XI v Milton Third XI |
Lea Park, Lea |
misc681907a |
27 Aug 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Worksop Third XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681905a |
27 Aug 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681906a |
29 Aug 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681908 |
03 Sep 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Worksop Third XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681910a |
03 Sep 2016 |
| | Milton Third XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Riverside Ground, Milton Village |
misc681909a |
03 Sep 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681912a |
03 Sep 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681911a |
10 Sep 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Lea and Roses Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681914a |
10 Sep 2016 |
| | Wiseton Second XI v Anston Fourth XI |
Wiseton Hall, Wiseton |
misc681913a |
10 Sep 2016 |
| | Worksop Third XI v Woodsetts Third XI |
Town Ground, Worksop |
misc681915a |
17 Sep 2016 |
| | Anston Fourth XI v Milton Third XI |
Ryton Road, North Anston |
misc681918 |
17 Sep 2016 |
| | Mansfield Third XI v Wiseton Second XI |
Chesterfield Road South, Mansfield |
misc681917 |
17 Sep 2016 |
| | Thurcroft Welfare v Woodsetts Third XI |
Orchard Lane, Thurcroft |
misc681916a |